5.6 用OllyDbg获取函数调用序列 https://scz.617.cn/misc/201505221529.txt Q: 调试中我想从地址A执行到地址B,有办法获取这个过程中的函数调用序列吗? A: API Spying with OllyDbg - [2008-02-09] http://www.openrce.org/forums/posts/715 用OD打开calc.exe,使之停在"Program entry point"->Alt-E->comctl32->右键菜单-> Follow entry->Ctrl-A->右键菜单->Search for->All intermodular calls-> "Found intermodular calls"窗口->右键菜单->Set log breakpoint on every command-> 条件记录断点对话框->Log function arguments->Always->OK Alt-L->日志窗口->右键菜单->Log to file->comctl32.log Alt-C->代码窗口->F9 查看comctl32.log,类似这样的输出: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 773F3DF1 CALL to GetWindowLongW hWnd = 002101CA (class='Edit') Index = 0. ... 773F4255 CALL to GetProcessHeap 773F425C CALL to HeapAlloc hHeap = 000C0000 Flags = HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY HeapSize = 128 (296.) ... 773F6C86 CALL to IsWindowEnabled hWnd = 00380332 ('1/x',class='Button',parent=003A030E) ... 773EB006 CALL to SendMessageW hWnd = 0x3A030E Message = WM_NOTIFY wParam = 0x6D lParam = 0x7FB14 ... 773EA498 CALL to GetWindowThreadProcessId hWnd = 003A030E ('Calculator',class='SciCalc') pProcessID = 0007FA78 773EA4A6 CALL to GetCurrentProcessId 773EB006 CALL to SendMessageW hWnd = 0x3A030E Message = WM_NOTIFY wParam = 0x6D lParam = 0x7FB14 ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------