2.63 对GDB内部命令的输出进行文本处理 https://scz.617.cn/unix/201805152224.txt Q: Solaris的mdb、Windows的cdb,其内部命令的输出可以交由外部命令进行文本处理, 比如: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 将mdb命令的输出通过惊叹号转向给外部shell命令,以进一步处理。 | 将前一条mdb命令的输出做为后一条mdb命令的输入 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ::kmem_cache ! egrep vn_cache > .shell -ci "!peb" findstr ImageFile: *nix的gdb有无类似能力或变通方案? A: scz 2023-03-31 高版本gdb内置pipe命令 (gdb) help pipe pipe, | Send the output of a gdb command to a shell command. Usage: | [COMMAND] | SHELL_COMMAND Usage: | -d DELIM COMMAND DELIM SHELL_COMMAND Usage: pipe [COMMAND] | SHELL_COMMAND Usage: pipe -d DELIM COMMAND DELIM SHELL_COMMAND Executes COMMAND and sends its output to SHELL_COMMAND. The -d option indicates to use the string DELIM to separate COMMAND from SHELL_COMMAND, in alternative to |. This is useful in case COMMAND contains a | character. With no COMMAND, repeat the last executed command and send its output to SHELL_COMMAND. (gdb) pipe info proc mappings | grep vdso 0x7ffe2597d000 0x7ffe2597f000 0x2000 0x0 r-xp [vdso] (gdb) | info proc mappings | grep vdso 0x7ffe2597d000 0x7ffe2597f000 0x2000 0x0 r-xp [vdso] A: merlin2011 2018-05-15 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7120673/gdb-pipe-output-of-internal-command-to-the-shell-command $ vi ShellPipeCommand.py -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function import gdb import string import subprocess import sys class ShellPipe ( gdb.Command ): "Command to pipe gdb internal command output to external commands." def __init__ ( self ) : super( ShellPipe, self ).__init__ \ ( "shell-pipe", gdb.COMMAND_DATA, gdb.COMPLETE_NONE, True ) gdb.execute( "alias -a sp = shell-pipe", True ) def invoke ( self, arg, from_tty ) : arg = arg.strip() if arg == "" : print( "Argument required (gdb_command_and_args | externalcommand..)." ) return gdb_command, shell_commands \ = None, None if '|' in arg : #gdb_command, shell_commands = arg.split( "|", maxsplit=1 ) gdb_command, shell_commands = arg.split( "|", 1 ) gdb_command, shell_commands = gdb_command.strip(), shell_commands.strip() else : gdb_command = arg # # Collect the output and feed it through the pipe # output = gdb.execute( gdb_command, True, True ) if shell_commands : shell_process = subprocess.Popen( shell_commands, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True ) shell_process.communicate( output.encode( 'utf-8' ) ) else: sys.stdout.write( output ) ShellPipe() -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 这个脚本过去只能在Python3上跑,小改了一下,现在同时适用于Python2、3。 $ cat /dev/urandom > /dev/null $ gdb -q -nx -p $(pgrep -ox cat) (gdb) show version GNU gdb (Debian 10.1-1.7) (gdb) python print(sys.version) 3.9.1+ (default, Jan 20 2021, 14:49:22) [GCC 10.2.1 20210110] (gdb) source /tmp/ShellPipeCommand.py 或者 $ gdb -q -nx -x /tmp/ShellPipeCommand.py -p $(pgrep -ox cat) (gdb) sp info proc mappings | grep vdso 0xb7ef2000 0xb7ef4000 0x2000 0x0 [vdso] D: scz@nsfocus 不能在GDB之外的Python解释器中直接"import gdb",会报错: >>> import gdb Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gdb' 只能在GDB中导入gdb模块: (gdb) py import gdb 为了在GDB中导入gdb模块,无需执行: python3 -m pip install gdb $ python3 -m pip list | grep gdb (无输出)