标题: MISC系列(41)--反编译py2exe生成的EXE文件 创建: 2015-04-30 14:28 更新: 2015-04-30 17:28 链接: https://scz.617.cn/python/201504301428.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 目录: ☆ 背景介绍 ☆ unpy2exe.py + uncompyle2 ☆ Py2ExeDumper.exe + GetPyc.py + EasyPythonDecompiler.exe ☆ 一些失败的工具 ☆ rom0scan.py(反编译结果展示) ☆ 反编译效果点评 ☆ 多余的话 ☆ 参考资源 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ☆ 背景介绍 参看: 《DNS系列(9)--GFW对DNS的干挠》(DNS_2.txt) 其中对比测试了四种Python转EXE的工具。 参看: rom0scan(20150422).7z http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQs51YE (解压密码rom0scan.exe) GetHttpsInfo(20150422).7z http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0ewyHU (解压密码GetHttpsInfo.exe) 《程序员的片段(2)--rom0scan.exe出台记》 https://scz.617.cn/python/201504171139.txt 在上文中我提到: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- rom0scan.exe是rom0scan.py的py2exe版本。我是Windows的忠实用户,喜欢并且相信 一大票人同样喜欢绿色Windows版本。写这个工具是为了研究其他漏洞,它已经覆盖 了我的原始需求。就像superdns.exe、GetHttpsInfo.exe一样,这些小工具我自己就 在用。为了从繁重的体力劳动中解放出来,程序员就会给自己开发一些辅助工具,要 不怎么说懒惰是世界进步、人类进化的原动力之一呢。 我分享这些exe,目标人群从来都不是会自己编译源代码的群体,而是各路小白用户 或者绿色Windows版爱好者。对于会自己编译源代码的群体,你们就自力更生去吧, 广阔天地等着你们。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 在GetHttpsInfo.exe的使用说明中我提到: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 如被VirusTotal命中,并担心自己的小电影被我弄走的,请勿使用,弄走活该。 未上混淆手段或者反编译手段,纯属"爱心泛滥"。我就是那种为非专业人士以及小白 们考虑的泛爱人士啊,极大程度考虑到能用上的人就图个清净、省事。设若还得安装 别的依赖,那得多么不符合泛爱人士的美学。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 好了,大致背景就是,我在百度网盘上以EXE形式分享了一些实用小工具。这些EXE其 实都是Python写的,为了小白们方便,更为了自己方便,我用py2exe处理后分享出来。 因为我的初衷不是保密实现,所以未上混淆手段或者反编译手段。对于内行人(有个 行字,不然成内人,那就不太妙了),这些EXE就是Python源代码。前段时间有朋友在 新浪微博上问我能否提供源代码,我笑而不语,注意这句话: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 对于会自己编译源代码的群体,你们就自力更生去吧。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 值此五一国际劳动节来临之际,我这种劳动模范就再做一次好人,告诉那些不明觉厉 的围观群众,什么叫"这些EXE就是Python源代码"。 请大家围观后,有钱的捧个钱场,没钱的捧个人场,顺便求第一会所邀请码一枚。 下面以rom0scan.exe为例,介绍如何反编译py2exe生成的EXE文件,得到源代码。 ☆ unpy2exe.py + uncompyle2 $ unpy2exe.py -o rom0scan rom0scan.exe 这将生成"rom0scan\rom0scan.py.pyc"。 /uncompyle2-master$ setup.py install /uncompyle2-master$ C:\Python27\python.exe scripts\uncompyle2 -h Usage: uncompyle2 [OPTIONS]... [ FILE | DIR]... Examples: uncompyle2 foo.pyc bar.pyc # decompile foo.pyc, bar.pyc to stdout uncompyle2 -o . foo.pyc bar.pyc # decompile to ./foo.pyc_dis and ./bar.pyc_dis uncompyle2 -o /tmp /usr/lib/python1.5 # decompile whole library Options: -o output decompiled files to this path: if multiple input files are decompiled, the common prefix is stripped from these names and the remainder appended to uncompyle -o /tmp bla/fasel.pyc bla/foo.pyc -> /tmp/fasel.pyc_dis, /tmp/foo.pyc_dis uncompyle -o /tmp bla/fasel.pyc bar/foo.pyc -> /tmp/bla/fasel.pyc_dis, /tmp/bar/foo.pyc_dis uncompyle -o /tmp /usr/lib/python1.5 -> /tmp/smtplib.pyc_dis ... /tmp/lib-tk/FixTk.pyc_dis -c attempts a disassembly after compiling -d do not print timestamps -p use number of processes -r recurse directories looking for .pyc and .pyo files --verify compare generated source with input byte-code (requires -o) --help show this message Debugging Options: --showasm -a include byte-code (disables --verify) --showast -t include AST (abstract syntax tree) (disables --verify) Extensions of generated files: '.pyc_dis' '.pyo_dis' successfully decompiled (and verified if --verify) + '_unverified' successfully decompile but --verify failed + '_failed' decompile failed (contact author for enhancement) /uncompyle2-master$ C:\Python27\python.exe scripts\uncompyle2 -o \rom0scan \rom0scan\rom0scan.py.pyc 这将生成"rom0scan\rom0scan.py.pyc_dis",也就是原始的rom0scan.py。 ☆ Py2ExeDumper.exe + GetPyc.py + EasyPythonDecompiler.exe $ Py2ExeDumper.exe rom0scan.exe 这将在当前目录下生成: library.zip PYTHONSCRIPT 注意,PYTHONSCRIPT是一个二进制文件,还不是.pyc文件,更不是.py文件。它有个 不定长的首部,一般占0x11字节。建议用WinHex打开PYTHONSCRIPT看看,加强感性认 识。 编辑GetPyc.py如下: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # Note that you have to run the script in the same version of python which # was used to generate the exe. Otherwise unmarshalling will fail. # import marshal, imp f = open( 'PYTHONSCRIPT', 'rb' ) # # struct Header # { # unsigned int tag; # unsigned int optimize; # unsigned int unbuffered; # unsigned int data_bytes; # unsigned char zippath[VARIABLE_SIZE] # }; # # Skip the header, you have to know the header size beforehand. # f.seek( 0x11 ) ob = marshal.load( f ) for i in xrange( 0, len( ob ) ) : open( str( i ) + '.pyc', 'wb' ).write( imp.get_magic() + '\0' * 4 + marshal.dumps( ob[i] ) ) f.close() -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ GetPyc.py 这将在当前目录下生成: 0.pyc 1.pyc 2.pyc 根据大小就可以简单判断2.pyc(最大)对应原始的rom0scan.pyc。 双击执行EasyPythonDecompiler.exe([2]),这是一个GUI程序,选择反编译2.pyc, 在2.pyc所在目录下得到2.pyc_dis,这就是原始的rom0scan.py。 ☆ 一些失败的工具 py2exe-extract([3])本意是从.exe中析取资源(PYTHONSCRIPT),然后从中析取.pyc。 但其实现不够鲁棒,看看源代码理解原理就好。 pyREtic([4])是原来在Immunity工作过的一哥们写的,还在BlackHat 2010上做过介 绍。参看"docs\HOWTO.md",理论上它应该可以从.pyc还原出.py。 $ REpdb.py (REpdb:default) set_project rom0scan (REpdb:rom0scan) gen_ref (REpdb:rom0scan) gen_obf C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages (REpdb:rom0scan) remap (REpdb:rom0scan) swap_opcodes (REpdb:rom0scan) quit $ REpdb.py (REpdb:default) set_project rom0scan (REpdb:rom0scan) fs_um_decompile \rom0scan.pyc 正常情况下应该生成: \Projects\rom0scan\sourcecode\fs_um\singlefile\rom0scan.py 不过它好像很久没有更新,反正我这儿没用成功。 ☆ rom0scan.py(反编译结果展示) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Embedded file name: rom0scan.py import sys, string, getopt, os, struct, socket, random, inspect, re import pycurl, Queue, itertools, collections from threading import Thread, RLock from cStringIO import StringIO class MyException(Exception): def __init__(self, value = None): self.value = value def __str__(self): return str(self.value) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.value) def itos32(num): return struct.pack('=I', int(num & 4294967295L)) def uint16(num): return int(struct.unpack('=H', struct.pack('=H', int(num & 65535)))[0]) def uint32(num): return int(struct.unpack('=I', struct.pack('=I', int(num & 4294967295L)))[0]) def readb16(buf, index): if index < 0: index += len(buf) return int(struct.unpack('>H', buf[index:index + 2])[0]) def readstr(buf, index): if index < 0: index += len(buf) return buf[index:].split('\x00')[0] def resolvehost(host): try: ret = uint32(int(struct.unpack('>I', socket.inet_aton(socket.gethostbyname(host)))[0])) except: ret = 0 return ret def dosomething(str): str += '\x00' xxx = '' i = 0 while i < len(str) - 1: if '\\' != str[i]: xxx += str[i] elif i + 1 >= len(str): xxx += str[i] elif '\\' == str[i + 1]: xxx += '\\' i += 1 elif 'r' == str[i + 1]: xxx += '\r' i += 1 elif 'n' == str[i + 1]: xxx += '\n' i += 1 elif 't' == str[i + 1]: xxx += '\t' i += 1 elif '0' == str[i + 1]: xxx += '\x00' i += 1 elif 'x' == str[i + 1]: if str[i + 2] >= '0' and str[i + 2] <= '9' or str[i + 2] >= 'a' and str[i + 2] <= 'f' or str[i + 2] >= 'A' and str[i + 2] <= 'F': i += 2 tmp = str[i] if str[i + 1] >= '0' and str[i + 1] <= '9' or str[i + 1] >= 'a' and str[i + 1] <= 'f' or str[i + 1] >= 'A' and str[i + 1] <= 'F': i += 1 tmp += str[i] else: tmp = '0' + tmp xxx += tmp.decode('hex_codec') else: xxx += str[i] else: xxx += str[i] i += 1 return xxx def AnyToSth(src, dst = 'utf_8'): codelist = ['utf_8', 'gb2312', 'gbk', 'gb18030', 'big5', 'latin_1'] ret = '(error)' for c in codelist: try: ret = src.decode(c).encode(dst) break except UnicodeDecodeError: pass except UnicodeEncodeError: pass return ret class BitReader(): def __init__(self, bytes): self.__bits__ = collections.deque() for byte in bytes: byte = ord(byte) for i in xrange(8): self.__bits__.append(byte >> 7 - i & 1) def getBit(self): return self.__bits__.popleft() def getBits(self, num): ret = 0 for i in xrange(num): ret += self.getBit() << num - 1 - i return ret def getLength(self): length = 2 while True: i = self.getBits(2) length += i if not (3 == i and length < 8): break if 8 == length: while True: i = self.getBits(4) length += i if 15 != i: break return length def LZSDecompress(data): reader = BitReader(data) result = '' while True: bit = reader.getBit() if not bit: byte = reader.getBits(8) result += chr(byte) continue bit = reader.getBit() if 1 == bit: offset = reader.getBits(7) else: offset = reader.getBits(11) if 1 == bit and 0 == offset: break if offset > len(result): break length = reader.getLength() for i in xrange(length): result += result[-offset] return result QueueInWorkerExit = False class QueueInWorker(Thread): def __init__(self, queue_in, queue_out, httpheader = [], proxypool = [], noproxy = 'localhost,', referer = '', followlocation = 1, maxredirs = 5, redir_protocols = 3, protocols = 3, connecttimeout = 30, timeout = 30, connect_max = 16, monitor = False, port = None): super(QueueInWorker, self).__init__() self.queue_in = queue_in self.queue_out = queue_out self.httpheader = httpheader self.proxypool = proxypool self.noproxy = noproxy self.referer = referer self.followlocation = followlocation self.maxredirs = maxredirs self.redir_protocols = redir_protocols self.protocols = protocols self.connecttimeout = connecttimeout self.timeout = timeout self.connect_max = connect_max self.monitor = monitor self.port = port self.m = pycurl.CurlMulti() self.m.cpool = [] self.setDaemon(True) def __del__(self): if self.m is not None: for c in self.m.cpool: if c.host is not None: c.host = None if c.head is not None: c.head.close() c.head = None if c.body is not None: c.body.close() c.body = None self.m.remove_handle(c) self.m.cpool.remove(c) c.close() self.m.cpool = [] self.m.close() self.m = None return def c_init(self, c): c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, self.httpheader) if len(self.proxypool) > 0: c.setopt(pycurl.PROXY, random.choice(self.proxypool)) c.setopt(pycurl.NOPROXY, self.noproxy) if self.referer is None: c.setopt(pycurl.AUTOREFERER, 0) elif '' == self.referer: c.setopt(pycurl.AUTOREFERER, 1) else: c.setopt(pycurl.REFERER, self.referer) c.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, self.followlocation) c.setopt(pycurl.MAXREDIRS, self.maxredirs) c.setopt(pycurl.REDIR_PROTOCOLS, self.redir_protocols) c.setopt(pycurl.PROTOCOLS, self.protocols) c.setopt(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, 1) c.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, self.connecttimeout) c.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, self.timeout) c.setopt(pycurl.ENCODING, '') if self.port is not None: c.setopt(pycurl.PORT, self.port) return def run(self): global QueueInWorkerExit random.seed() while True: num = len(self.m.cpool) if not QueueInWorkerExit and num < self.connect_max: num = self.connect_max - num for i in xrange(num): try: host = self.queue_in.get(True, 1) if host is None: QueueInWorkerExit = True break else: if self.monitor: sys.stderr.write('%40s\r%s\r' % (' ', host)) c = pycurl.Curl() self.c_init(c) c.host = host c.setopt(pycurl.URL, 'http://%s/rom-0' % host) c.head = StringIO() c.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, c.head.write) c.body = StringIO() c.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, c.body.write) self.m.cpool.append(c) self.m.add_handle(c) except Queue.Empty: break num = len(self.m.cpool) if 0 == num: if QueueInWorkerExit: self.queue_out.put(None) break else: continue while True: ret, num_ret = self.m.perform() if pycurl.E_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM != ret: break while True: num_ret, ok_list, error_list = self.m.info_read() for c in ok_list: head = AnyToSth(c.head.getvalue()) if '(error)' == head: server = '(error)' else: try: server = re.search('Server: ([^\\r\\n]+)', head, re.U).group(1) server = AnyToSth(server, 'gbk') except AttributeError: server = None code = c.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE) password = None if 200 == code: buf = c.body.getvalue() end = len(buf) index = 8192 while index + 20 <= end: name = readstr(buf, index + 6) if 'autoexec.net' == name: offset = readb16(buf, index + 4) + 12 + 4 size = readb16(buf, index + 2) - 12 - 4 if 8192 + offset > end or 8192 + offset + size > end: break data = LZSDecompress(buf[8192 + offset:8192 + offset + size]) if len(data) > 20: password = readstr(data, 20) break index += 20 self.queue_out.put((c.host, code, server, password)) c.host = None c.head.close() c.head = None c.body.close() c.body = None self.m.remove_handle(c) self.m.cpool.remove(c) c.close() for c, errno, errmsg in error_list: c.host = None c.head.close() c.head = None c.body.close() c.body = None self.m.remove_handle(c) self.m.cpool.remove(c) c.close() if 0 == num_ret: break self.m.select(1.0) return QueueTmpWorkerExit = False QueueTmpNoneNum = 0 QueueTmpRLock = RLock() class QueueTmpWorker(Thread): def __init__(self, queue_in, queue_out, num_fetch, httpheader = [], proxypool = [], noproxy = 'localhost,', referer = '', followlocation = 1, maxredirs = 5, redir_protocols = 3, protocols = 3, connecttimeout = 30, timeout = 30, connect_max = 16, port = None): super(QueueTmpWorker, self).__init__() self.queue_in = queue_in self.queue_out = queue_out self.num_fetch = num_fetch self.httpheader = httpheader self.proxypool = proxypool self.noproxy = noproxy self.referer = referer self.followlocation = followlocation self.maxredirs = maxredirs self.redir_protocols = redir_protocols self.protocols = protocols self.connecttimeout = connecttimeout self.timeout = timeout self.connect_max = connect_max self.port = port self.m = pycurl.CurlMulti() self.m.cpool = [] self.setDaemon(True) def __del__(self): if self.m is not None: for c in self.m.cpool: if c.data is not None: c.data = None if c.head is not None: c.head.close() c.head = None if c.body is not None: c.body.close() c.body = None self.m.remove_handle(c) self.m.cpool.remove(c) c.close() self.m.cpool = [] self.m.close() self.m = None return def c_init(self, c): c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, self.httpheader) if len(self.proxypool) > 0: c.setopt(pycurl.PROXY, random.choice(self.proxypool)) c.setopt(pycurl.NOPROXY, self.noproxy) if self.referer is None: c.setopt(pycurl.AUTOREFERER, 0) elif '' == self.referer: c.setopt(pycurl.AUTOREFERER, 1) else: c.setopt(pycurl.REFERER, self.referer) c.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, self.followlocation) c.setopt(pycurl.MAXREDIRS, self.maxredirs) c.setopt(pycurl.REDIR_PROTOCOLS, self.redir_protocols) c.setopt(pycurl.PROTOCOLS, self.protocols) c.setopt(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, 1) c.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, self.connecttimeout) c.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, self.timeout) c.setopt(pycurl.ENCODING, '') if self.port is not None: c.setopt(pycurl.PORT, self.port) return def run(self): global QueueTmpWorkerExit global QueueTmpNoneNum random.seed() while True: num = len(self.m.cpool) if not QueueTmpWorkerExit and num < self.connect_max: num = self.connect_max - num for i in xrange(num): try: data = self.queue_in.get(True, 1) if data is None: QueueTmpRLock.acquire() QueueTmpNoneNum += 1 QueueTmpRLock.release() if self.num_fetch == QueueTmpNoneNum: QueueTmpWorkerExit = True break else: c = pycurl.Curl() self.c_init(c) c.data = data c.setopt(pycurl.URL, 'http://%s/' % data[0]) c.head = StringIO() c.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, c.head.write) c.body = StringIO() c.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, c.body.write) c.setopt(pycurl.CUSTOMREQUEST, 'HEAD') c.setopt(pycurl.NOBODY, True) self.m.cpool.append(c) self.m.add_handle(c) except Queue.Empty: break num = len(self.m.cpool) if 0 == num: if QueueTmpWorkerExit: self.queue_out.put(None) break else: continue while True: ret, num_ret = self.m.perform() if pycurl.E_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM != ret: break while True: num_ret, ok_list, error_list = self.m.info_read() for c in ok_list: code = c.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE) if 401 == code: head = AnyToSth(c.head.getvalue()) if '(error)' == head: model = '(error)' else: try: model = re.search('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="(.+?)"', c.head.getvalue(), re.U).group(1) model = AnyToSth(model, 'gbk') except AttributeError: model = None else: model = '(%u)' % code self.queue_out.put((c.data[0], c.data[1], c.data[2], c.data[3], model)) c.data = None c.head.close() c.head = None c.body.close() c.body = None self.m.remove_handle(c) self.m.cpool.remove(c) c.close() for c, errno, errmsg in error_list: model = '(%u:%s)' % (errno, errmsg) self.queue_out.put((c.data[0], c.data[1], c.data[2], c.data[3], model)) c.data = None c.head.close() c.head = None c.body.close() c.body = None self.m.remove_handle(c) self.m.cpool.remove(c) c.close() if 0 == num_ret: break self.m.select(1.0) return class QueueOutWorker(Thread): def __init__(self, queue_in, num_fetch, quiet = False): super(QueueOutWorker, self).__init__() self.queue_in = queue_in self.num_fetch = num_fetch self.quiet = quiet self.setDaemon(True) def __del__(self): pass def run(self): num_none = 0 while True: data = self.queue_in.get() if data is None: num_none += 1 if self.num_fetch == num_none: break else: host = data[0] code = data[1] server = data[2] password = data[3] model = data[4] if server is None: server = '' if password is None: password = '' if model is None: model = '' try: if self.quiet: if '' != password: sys.stdout.write('%-15s [%s] [%s]\n' % (socket.gethostbyname(host), model, password)) else: sys.stdout.write('%-15s [%u] [%s] [%s] [%s]\n' % (socket.gethostbyname(host), code, server, model, password)) except socket.gaierror: pass return def main(prog, args): from msvcrt import setmode setmode(0, os.O_BINARY) setmode(1, os.O_BINARY) setmode(2, os.O_BINARY) def usage(prog): sys.stderr.write('Usage: ' + prog + ' [-h|--help] [-v] [-q] [-m] [-b begin] [-e end] [--port port]\n' + ' [--head head] [-s second] [-c connectnum] [-t threadnum] [infile|-]\n') raise SystemExit try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'hvb:c:e:mqs:t:', ['help', 'head=', 'port=']) except getopt.GetoptError: usage(prog) if 0 == len(opts) and 0 == len(args): usage(prog) second = 30 threadnum = 8 connectnum = 16 begin = 0 end = 0 monitor = False quiet = False port = None head = None try: for x, y in opts: if x in ('-h', '--help'): usage(prog) elif '-v' == x: sys.stdout.write('%s ver 2015-04-22 11:22\n' % prog) sys.exit(0) elif '-b' == x: begin = resolvehost(y) elif '-c' == x: try: connectnum = uint32(int(y, 0)) except ValueError: raise MyException('Line[%u]: ValueError : Checking your [-c connectnum]' % sys.exc_info()[2].tb_lineno) elif '-e' == x: end = resolvehost(y) elif '--head' == x: head = dosomething(y) elif '-m' == x: monitor = True elif '--port' == x: port = uint16(int(y, 0)) elif '-q' == x: quiet = True elif '-s' == x: try: second = uint32(int(y, 0)) except ValueError: raise MyException('Line[%u]: ValueError : Checking your [-s second]' % sys.exc_info()[2].tb_lineno) elif '-t' == x: try: threadnum = uint32(int(y, 0)) except ValueError: raise MyException('Line[%u]: ValueError : Checking your [-t threadnum]' % sys.exc_info()[2].tb_lineno) else: usage(prog) if 0 == second: raise MyException('Line[%u]: Checking your [-s second]' % inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if not 0 < connectnum * threadnum <= 256: raise MyException('Line[%u]: invalid number of concurrent connections' % inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if 0 == port: raise MyException('Line[%u]: Checking your [-p port]' % inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if 0 == begin and 0 == len(args): raise MyException('Line[%u]: Checking your [-b begin]' % inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) if 0 == end: end = begin + 1 else: end = end + 1 httpheader = ['User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.2; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)', 'Accept: image/jpeg, application/x-ms-application, image/gif, application/xaml+xml, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-xbap, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, */*'] if head is not None: httpheader += [ h.strip() for h in head.split('\n') ] queue_in = Queue.Queue(1024) queue_tmp = Queue.Queue(1024) queue_out = Queue.Queue(4096) for i in xrange(threadnum): QueueInWorker(queue_in, queue_tmp, httpheader=httpheader, connect_max=connectnum, connecttimeout=second, timeout=second, monitor=monitor, port=port, proxypool=[]).start() QueueTmpWorker(queue_tmp, queue_out, num_fetch=threadnum, httpheader=httpheader, connect_max=connectnum, connecttimeout=second, timeout=second, port=port, proxypool=[]).start() qoworker = QueueOutWorker(queue_out, threadnum, quiet) qoworker.start() if len(args) > 0: if '-' == args[0]: while True: try: target = string.strip(raw_input()) queue_in.put(target) except EOFError as e: queue_in.put(None) break else: try: infile = open(args[0], 'r') except IOError as e: raise MyException('Line[%u]: IOError : %s' % (sys.exc_info()[2].tb_lineno, str(e))) for target in infile: target = string.strip(target) queue_in.put(target) infile.close() queue_in.put(None) else: for ip in itertools.islice(itertools.count(begin), end - begin): tail = ip & 255 if not tail or 255 == tail: continue queue_in.put(socket.inet_ntoa(itos32(socket.ntohl(ip)))) queue_in.put(None) qoworker.join() except MyException as e: sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % e.value) raise SystemExit return if '__main__' == __name__: try: main(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), sys.argv[1:]) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ☆ 反编译效果点评 前述反编译结果已经相当到位,除了理论上就无法还原的我那BT的代码风格。它这个 代码风格只能说是符合Python语法。 在《程序员的片段(2)--rom0scan.exe出台记》中,我提到: 几乎可以确定,Python版本的LZS解压缩代码存在某些细小的BUG。有时尽管其解压结 果并不正确,但由于析取口令的代码逻辑有一定容错性,导致对于某些rom-0析取口 令成功,从另一些rom-0则析取出多余的无效数据。Filippo Valsorda的代码显然没 有得到广泛测试,一直没有更新过。我尝试给他发邮件反馈BUG,没有得到回应。无 奈之下,我只能自己阅读LZS算法: Lempel Ziv Stac (LZS) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lempel%E2%80%93Ziv%E2%80%93Stac 没有仔细分析Filippo Valsorda的代码,大致觉得有几处不靠谱: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) 处理编码后的length时,代码逻辑不够清晰。从前述对比测试用例看,很可能是取 length时有BUG。 2) BitReader.__init__()中为什么要用bool()做强制类型转换?完全不必要。 3) LZSDecompress()中的window形参没必要出现,从而class RingList没必要存在。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最后我照着LZS算法的维基描述以及其C版本实现重写了Python版本实现,不想修改 Filippo Valsorda的代码,太不合我的味口了。 LZS解压算法正确的Python实现参看反编译结果中的: class BitReader def LZSDecompress() ☆ 多余的话 那些过去索要过superdns.exe、GetHttpsInfo.exe源代码的兄弟,不要说我没有理你。 我真地是一个很善良的人。 ☆ 参考资源 [1] Extract .pyc files from executables created with py2exe https://github.com/matiasb/unpy2exe uncompyle2 converts Python byte-code back into equivalent Python source code https://github.com/Mysterie/uncompyle2 [2] Py2ExeDumper is a tool to extract a py2exe generated executable file http://sourceforge.net/projects/py2exedumper Easy Python Decompiler is python bytecode decompiler, decompiles pyc & pyo files http://sourceforge.net/projects/easypythondecompiler (只有二进制,没有源代码,这是一个GUI程序) [3] py2exe-extract https://code.google.com/p/py2exe-extract/ [4] pyREtic is an extensible framework for in-memory Python bytecode reverse engineering https://github.com/MyNameIsMeerkat/pyREtic